Gaining knowledge on the technique of the movement of a horse is a fundamental part of the research we perform at EquInnoLab. Our showjumping analysis project aims to give insight on the technique of the jump of a horse-rider combination. The essential goal is for us...
Piaffe Analysis
Combining knowledge from our Training Centre and our Fieldlab allows us to make insightful analyses that can help boost training performance. This project was initiated by a client who approached us to help evaluate and improve the piaffe. Our general training...
Validity 2D motion analysis system
The purpose of this research is to demonstrate whether the EquInnoLab. 2D measurement system is valid and, if necessary, how the validity can be improved. We have developed a 2D marker analysis system which is a technologically functional system. However, we want to...
“Fokker zoekt Ruiter” 3.0 – Breeder searches Rider
This is the third project with Limburg Sport Horse Breeding Association's project Fokker zoekt Ruiter - freely translated as Breeder searches Rider. We aim to provide insights and objective guidance for newly formed combinations, guiding the breeder/owner, rider and...
Practoraat Circulaire Manege & Hippische Innovaties
The project aims to implement Practoraat as part of the curriculum of the MBO Instructor Horse Sport Education. Regarded as one of the more traditional sports industries, the equestrian industry is trying to catch up with the times. As technology and innovation are...
Cloud-based 2D analysis processing system development
We wouldn't be an innovation centre if we do not want to continuously challenge the technology that we work with. Throughput times of analysis, access from anywhere in the world with any laptop, and a directly linked and updated database are key wishes. The goal is...
Muscle activity of the equestrian rider during riding
This project in a first-insights project. Muscle activity during riding is an (almost) untouched subject in research and literature. Not only for the fundamental knowledge, but also for our support services, any additional knowledge is an massive benefit. Giving...
Practoraat “Innovatie in de Paardensport”: part of collaboration “Hippisch College Limburg”
The project aims to implement Practoraat as part of the Hippisch College Limburg project. Regarded as one of the more traditional sports industries, the equestrian industry is trying to catch up with the times. As technology and innovation are already shaping sports’...
High Tech Video Analysis System Equestrian Sports
Developing a 3D marker analysis concept for the specific Equestrian Sports application. Think of real life sporting areas, indoor and outdoor, and large subjects (horse and rider) with many markers. The biggest challenge in this project, next to the hardware,...