After much desk work, it was time to get into practice! Our intern Kim Koopmans designed a conceptual marker model, which is able to objectify the equine talent recognition process.
Last Thursday, KWPN Inspector Marian Dorresteijn visited EquInnoLab. to score three dressage horses who participated in this first pilot test. She scored the horses on the regular linear scoring sheet, while the EquInnoLab. MOTION system was gathering data. First of all, the horses were painted and pasted with red 2D and 3D markers, according to the designed marker model. Afterwards, the horses were scored on conformation and free movement by Marian Dorresteijn and the EquInnoLab. MOTION system captured the required data at the same time.
The next day, the conceptual design was tested on three jumping horses. KWPN Inspector Petro Trommelen attended this pilot test to score the horses on conformation, free movement, and free jumping. Again, the EquInnoLab. MOTION system captured the required data at the same time.
Both days were really nice and educational and now it is time to analyse all data and evaluate on the conceptual design. Marian Dorresteijn and Petro Trommelen were looking forward to be kept up-to-date in the progression of this interesting innovation and they both gave useful input to integrate in the final design of the marker model.
Thank you again Marian Dorresteijn and Petro Trommelen for your participation and enthusiasm during the first pilot test!