This project in a first-insights project. Muscle activity during riding is an (almost) untouched subject in research and literature.

Not only for the fundamental knowledge, but also for our support services, any additional knowledge is an massive benefit. Giving training advice without knowledge on the muscles used is not the best quality we can provide, and we always want to improve. In its basis, this is more fundamental research, but has influence on the way we look at movement data in our applied research projects as well.

This project is an internship by Jelle Keijsers, student Biometrics from our partner Zuyd Hogeschool.

Therefore, as time is limited and knowledge to gain is immense, we will have a first conceptual pilot. The objectives of this projects are:

  • Determine which muscles are active during the different phases of the different gaits of a horse and a jump
  • What movements are the results of this activity