For our project ‘The Equine Sports Facility of the Future’, students of the Eindhoven University of Technology went to experience real life working with horses.
Over the last weeks, students Takeru, Diana, Riina and Ana from the TU/e visited a dressage stable for their research. Besides looking around and asking questions, they were also put to work to experience the day to day tasks and to get to know the needs of grooms, riders and horses. It was a great way to discover a world that was completely new to them.
The project is set up with the honors program of the Eindhoven University of Technology and is meant to deliver a proposal for an ‘Equine Sports Facility of the Future’. The students helped with all the daily tasks and were taking notes, while asking questions about the challenges of working with horses. The goal of the daytrip was gattering as much information as possible. The architects-to-be will take their insides back to the drawing board.