Recovery time is an essential part of training necessary to achieve maximum performance. Recovery allows the body to heal, repairing and strengthening muscles and replenishing lost energy. Top athletes should carefully manage their recovery period so their bodies are...
Horse specific physical test
The goal of this project is to develop a test with which we can evaluate the physical capabilities of a horse based on both practical and scientific knowledge. Currently, such a physical test only exists for riders, the human athlete physical capacity test. We use...
Performance Assessment of Saddle Trees:
Stübben Saddle Evaluation
In this intriguing project we are working with Stübben to evaluate the effect of the saddle tree on a horse’s jumping performance. The main component of this project is to look at comparisons between saddle tree designs to make new and interesting discoveries about...
Athletic Skills Garden for the Equestrian Sport
Applying a different way of thinking about movement for an optimal development of movement and performance. This project entails a plan for a universal sports facility that stimulates horse riding from a young age by developing fundamental movement and sports skills...
Showjumping Analysis
Gaining knowledge on the technique of the movement of a horse is a fundamental part of the research we perform at EquInnoLab. Our showjumping analysis project aims to give insight on the technique of the jump of a horse-rider combination. The essential goal is for us...
Piaffe Analysis
Combining knowledge from our Training Centre and our Fieldlab allows us to make insightful analyses that can help boost training performance. This project was initiated by a client who approached us to help evaluate and improve the piaffe. Our general training...
KNHS competition sport acceptance
mark for bridles and bits
The goal of this project is to develop a competition sport acceptance mark for bridles and bits for the Dutch equestrian federation, KNHS. The Dutch federation gets many questions regarding the allowance of new bridles and bits in competitions. They subjectively...
Validity 2D motion analysis system
The purpose of this research is to demonstrate whether the EquInnoLab. 2D measurement system is valid and, if necessary, how the validity can be improved. We have developed a 2D marker analysis system which is a technologically functional system. However, we want to...
Using data science on phone sensor data to objectify the equestrian “Eye of the Master”
The goal of the project is to formalise the ‘eye of the master’ through technological innovation, thus making the judgement of performance more transparent and less subjective. Currently, the level and performance of the rider and horse are often judged...
Specific rider physical test (off-horse)
The purpose of this research is to develop a first test protocol for testing the physique of riders on physical capacities needed for horse riding (rider-specific). Aiding in understanding the sport specific physical requirements. At EquInnoLab. we already have...
“Fokker zoekt Ruiter” 3.0 – Breeder searches Rider
This is the third project with Limburg Sport Horse Breeding Association's project Fokker zoekt Ruiter - freely translated as Breeder searches Rider. We aim to provide insights and objective guidance for newly formed combinations, guiding the breeder/owner, rider and...
Practoraat Circulaire Manege & Hippische Innovaties
The project aims to implement Practoraat as part of the curriculum of the MBO Instructor Horse Sport Education. Regarded as one of the more traditional sports industries, the equestrian industry is trying to catch up with the times. As technology and innovation are...